"Niagara Falls is a natural wonder that appeals to the visual senses and provides an exhilarating experience, and at no time is this more evident than in the winter."
Winter Festival of Lights / wfol.com
Ontario Power Generation / opg.com
Niagara Parks / niagaraparks.com
Tourism Partnership of Niagara / niagarasrto.com
Niagara Falls Tourism / niagarafallstourism.com
City of Niagara Falls / niagarafalls.ca
Ontario Power Generation / opg.com
Niagara Parks / niagaraparks.com
Tourism Partnership of Niagara / niagarasrto.com
Niagara Falls Tourism / niagarafallstourism.com
City of Niagara Falls / niagarafalls.ca
Song: Slow Motion by LuLuProduction (motionarray.com)
Above Quote Source: niagaraparks.com/the-truth-behind-niagara-falls-frozen-appearance/